Wednesday, December 3, 2008

#3 - Are you f*cking kidding me?

So the results are in and Chinese Democracy debuted in the #3 slot. What has the world come to?

I suppose the limited release through BestBuy could've screwed them a bit. Speaking of, I think BestBuy really mishandled the release. I mean day of there was hardly any hype at the stores. I saw one had a big sign, but the rest had little tiny posters. Not exactly the way to promote the biggest release in 15 years. I was also put off by the fact that they were not playing the CD in the store on release day. IMO- it should have been playing non-stop all day or at least an only Guns music day.

And, I would think if Axl had gone out promoting the album with interviews or network appearances, that might have changed things too? I don't know. I mean Kayne's always got his mug plastered somewhere.

The Taylor Swift at #2, I can't even speak to that. I don't get country music. It's my least favorite music genre. I'd rather listen to latin polka than country and that says a lot.

So while I hoped for #1, I gain comfort in the knowledge that in 10 years, the music contained on Chinese Democracy will stand the test of time. Kayne or Taylor Swift? I doubt it.

All in all, the sales are commendable.... and I expect Chinese Democracy will stay on the charts for months. Wait until "Better" starts getting radio play... then LOOK OUT!

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